Embracing Mystery: The Art of 360-Degree Storytelling

“Is this 360 or 180? What’s hemispherical? How do we monitor this? Where can we put lights?”

These are just a few of the questions that buzzed around the room as we embarked on one of the most challenging and exciting projects we’ve tackled to date: producing an immersive video for Eastman Credit Union (ECU), to be shown at Bays Mountain Planetarium.

The goal? To create something that not only showcased ECU’s commitment to supporting their members but also fit perfectly into the unique, 360-degree environment of the planetarium—a space designed to envelop its audience in wonder. But this wasn’t just any video shoot. It was the first time we ventured into the world of 360-degree storytelling with a camera. There were a lot of unknowns, and plenty of challenges ahead. Yet, we knew one thing for certain: we were all in.

Navigating the Challenges of 360 Storytelling

One of the most interesting aspects of this project was the learning curve involved in capturing footage for a full dome projection. Shooting with a 360 camera is different from traditional filmmaking in almost every way. Monitoring the shot on a flat screen or iPad versus seeing it in a full-dome setting was a tricky concept to wrap our minds around.

We worked closely with the amazing team at Bays Mountain Planetarium, who run the projector system, to ensure we were doing justice to the unique space. Their guidance was invaluable in helping us navigate the technical side of this immersive project.

Tackling Creative Hurdles Head-On

The challenge didn’t stop at camera angles. For example, we needed to capture a clear night sky for a major part of the story, but we were shooting in daylight. With some creative thinking and trust in our post-production abilities, we moved forward, knowing we could simulate the night sky later in editing.

In post-production, we pulled out all the stops: sky replacements, color grading, custom animations, and sound design to make it all come together. We even incorporated AI voiceover and multiple programs to ensure the final video would captivate every viewer who sits under the dome of the planetarium.

Creating an Experience, Not Just a Video

What we created was more than just a piece of content. It was an experience—one that would be seen by a captive audience over and over again. It’s not something to be scrolled past on social media; it’s something that sticks with you, drawing you in as you’re surrounded by the story.

ECU wanted to connect with their community in a meaningful, lasting way. This project allowed them to do just that, in a format that showcases not only their support for Bays Mountain Planetarium but also their belief in the power of dreams and imagination.

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

For our team, this project was a reminder of the power of embracing the unknown. It’s easy to stick to what we know, but sometimes the most rewarding work happens when we step out of our comfort zones and trust the creative process.

As Ryan, our creative producer, says, “Embracing mystery is sometimes the road less traveled, but it can lead to creating something truly unique. Our team thrives on helping you solve your creative challenges, no matter how big or small.”

A Special Thanks

We want to give a special thank you to the Bays Mountain Planetarium team for their collaboration and insight, and to Eastman Credit Union for entrusting us with this project. Together, we created something truly special—a lasting connection between a brand and its community.