Amazing Restaurant Web Design Ideas We Love

It's estimated that the restaurant industry throughout the US has a 30% failure rate. This could be due to many things, like competition and a lack of business structure.

If you own a restaurant, there are certain things you need to focus on. One of these things is having a restaurant web design that attracts customers.

This is going to help you outshine your competitors and grow your outreach. This guide will show you some examples of restaurant designs we are loving.

Keep reading to find out what restaurant web design that you should lean towards.

Yang's Kitchen

This first example is from a restaurant located in Los Angeles, CA. This restaurant has the right idea when it comes to creating a user-friendly platform.

Everything you need is right on the front page, including location, hours, and contact info. This is paired with beautiful visuals that capture the eye.

The majority of customers that visit your website are looking for information. The last thing you want to do is make this difficult to locate with an overly complicated design.

This could frustrate potential customers and result in them leaving the page. A lot of websites tend to keep basic information on different pages or at the very bottom of the page.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but having it on the homepage is ideal.

Sweet Cheeks

When it comes to building a restaurant website, there are a few elements that are necessary. One of these elements is having an easy-to-navigate menu.

Sweet Cheeks in Boston, MA, has the right idea when going about this. This restaurant has its menu in a website format that is easy to navigate.

They provide buttons like the main menu, lunch menu, drinks menu, and takeout. This makes it easy to navigate the menu to find what you are looking for.

Providing this format also allows customers to immediately see what is available. This can convince them to go to this restaurant instead of looking at other options.

Keep in mind that you don’t want your menu in PDF format on the site. This is fine for customers but it won’t be crawled by search engines on Google.

This could result in you losing potential customers since this won’t pop up in their search.

Costa Vida

A lot of restaurants offer loyalty programs to returning customers. This is something that customers may look for when they go onto a restaurant website.

Costa Vida understands this and provides a rewards section on their website. This makes it easy for customers to check their status and look into what this program offers.

Having this online also makes it easier to gather customer data. You can use this data to encourage more repeat visits and more customer loyalty.

Some customers may also look specifically for restaurants that have a loyalty program. This is common since it means they will usually get some kind of deal later on.

Old Lady Gang

Some restaurants offer reservations, which should be part of your restaurant web design. This is an option that isn’t always available, so customers need to know about it.

Old Lady Gang makes this simple by allowing customers to order online. They can order online or make reservations without having to call the restaurant.

Not only is this convenient for customers, and immediately catches their attention. This restaurant includes the order form right on its website homepage.

Customers won’t have to navigate the site to find what they are looking for. This could also be the determining factor that convinces them to go to this restaurant.

Anything that you offer at your restaurant should be easily accessible. This encourages customers to use that service and adds competition with other restaurants.


A restaurant's web design should have different elements to attract more attention. This specific restaurant from San Francisco, CA, does this by highlighting reviews.

You can easily find price quotes and customer reviews on the site. Because of this, customers won’t have to search around to see what people are saying.

This is important because most customers do research before going to a new restaurant. This usually includes reading customer reviews to see what others thought about it.

A lot of restaurants miss out on valuable opportunities by not including reviews. These are perfect for showcasing your best qualities and your happiest customers.


Another restaurant that knows how to create a good website design is Dutch’s. This restaurant is located in Portland, ME, and has a strong focus on media.

A lot of restaurant websites tend to be quite minimal in their design. This is not always a bad thing, but including more resources, it doesn’t hurt.

This restaurant has its social media accounts and website blog available. This allows customers to find them in other areas online to learn more about the restaurant.

It also encourages customers to connect with the restaurant in a more visible way. This website even has a section of the homepage dedicated to the restaurant's Instagram.

This features high-quality photos that immediately catch the eye.


One way to draw customers in with your site is with visuals. This restaurant knows how to do that with creative graphics and color palettes.

Barra has a unique color palette of pinks, corals, dark green, and light green colors. The graphics are unique and showcase the services the restaurant offers.

This not only captures your eye but helps you to navigate the site easily. Even though it has many different elements, nothing feels overwhelming.

It also makes it easy to find other options like gift cards, reservations, and takeout. There are also photos of the food sprinkled throughout to wet your appetite.


A lot of restaurant designs tend to have the same field to them when you click the site. Canlis provides a very different experience that feels more elevated and sophisticated.

This website uses darker colors like shades of blue and black and white. It also focuses strongly on sophisticated imagery that isn’t only on the food.

The layout is very clean and allows you to navigate with ease. The navigation menu at the corner drops down without interfering with the imagery.

Black Door Donuts

This Martha’s Vineyard-based donut shop provides another good website example. The website feels very friendly and includes fun colors.

It includes plenty of imagery that immediately wets the appetite. It also has a focus on the history of the bakery and the local community.

This helps it to stand out from other donut shops in the area that only focus on the food. A website like this is a good example of thinking outside of the box.

You can always add more resources and information for customers to provide a more valuable experience.


When it comes to website design, there is plenty of room for experimentation. This restaurant located in Paris provides a good example of that.

The website design moves smoothly and has a unique feel to it. It provides all of the basic information you need as well as a menu and wine list.

Unlike other websites, this restaurant has a black-and-white color palette. And its own way, this is bold and immediately makes it stand out.

This is another example of how a minimal design can be very unique. It is very interesting and interactive without being difficult to navigate or find information.

The Clove Club

One part of restaurant web design ideas is adding beauty. Too many websites tend to be dull and lack personality.

This restaurant is very different and provides a cinematic website. It has beautiful plant animations that immediately draw you in.

It provides an easy-to-access menu as well as a reservations page. None of these pages redirects you to a different site, making it more user-friendly.

The color palette and minimal design help it to feel cohesive and calming. Customers have access to everything they need without feeling overwhelmed.

This is also a good example of how bold colors can be used.


If you are looking for restaurant web design companies, you need to know what you want. Sweetgreen immediately catches the eye and showcases a few menu options.

It makes salad bowls the star of the show with vivid descriptions and bright photos. The overall color palette of the site is quite muted, allowing the photos to pop.

The website also incorporates short-form videos into the homepage. This creates a more interactive experience that keeps the customer on the site longer.

These are all small details that quickly start to add up. This is the kind of thing that sets different restaurants apart from the competition.

What Every Restaurant Website Needs

These examples of restaurant web design are great places to get inspiration. They also showcase some of the best restaurant web design trends customers love.

With that said, there are certain things your website needs to have. Before you focus on the design and visuals, you need to include the main components.

This is something a restaurant web design company like Cumberland Marketing is capable of doing.

The Basics

When it comes to restaurant websites, you need to have some information. This basic information usually includes contact, about, and service pages.

It is a good idea to have a separate page on the website for each of these options. You could also include some of this information on the homepage, like some of the above examples.

Make sure everything is easy to access and doesn’t take too much research. You can also create a page for reviews or additional information about the restaurant.

Your about page is where you should shine and really showcase why your restaurant is the best.


When it comes to food, people rely on what they see. This is why visuals are so important for a restaurant website.

You need to make sure you have professionally photographed menu items on the site. These should be scattered throughout to create a more interactive experience.

Make sure the visuals go well wit the overall website color scheme.

Reservations and Ordering

Any kind of service your restaurant offers should be available on the website. If you have an option for reservations, people should be able to make these online.

If you provide takeout or online ordering, they should also have a spot on the site. This is the perfect way of showing customers what your restaurant has to offer.

But it also provides a more convenient way for them to get what they are wanting. Most people prefer this option over calling a restaurant by phone.


One of the most important aspects of your website is what you serve. You should have a designated menu that is regularly updated for customers.

It is even better to break this down into categories if possible. Not only is this better for navigating, it allows your menu to pop up more when people are searching for food options.

Restaurant Web Design Inspiration

If you own a restaurant, you may be working on your restaurant web design. If this is the case, you may want to hire a restaurant web designer to help.

This will help you to create a site that is interactive and visually appealing. As well as add valuable resources and information for potential customers.

Are you interested in restaurant web design ideas? Contact us today at Cumberland Marketing to get started.